(My seduction of Nikos returns with the next post.)
Now that you’ve detoxed your living space and your body, let’s move on to other areas where toxicity can douse the flame of your Life à la Hot.
Your thoughts and your feelings are, at all times, your choice. If you are thinking and feeling negatively, then you are attracting more of the same bummers that upset you in the first place. The concept that our thoughts and emotions create reality is detailed in countless self-actualization books and You Tube videos (for more see my post “The Importance of Being Earnest … About Positive Thinking,” 11/6/14 ). It is up to you to banish the toxic loop in your head and heart that’s creating your depressing existence, moment to moment. Use spring’s impetus to wash your windows of the gray grime of despair that’s distorting your vision of, and access to, a bright and happy life.
Deep six, too, those toxic behaviors that don’t build you up, but break you down. You know what they are. Get off the couch and ride your bike. Turn off the screens and walk in nature. Still smoking? Every spring, my state (New York) offers free nicotine patches and gum, and nationally, you call 1-800-QUIT for free help. If I was able to cut loose from that toxic death trap, anyone can. Quitting was the self-love I needed to stop firing up cigarettes and fire up my Life à la Hot.
Banish those toxic relationships. There can be no sentimentality or guilt here, be ruthless. I don’t care if it’s your closest family, if it’s their mission in life to make you feel bad and you dread seeing them, they don’t deserve to be in your life, period. Be gone, buzzkills!
How about those friends who whine endlessly and use you as a therapist, yet never change? Long ago you should’ve sent them a bill for their pity parties you’ve hosted on your imaginary black leather sofa. They’re among the types of energy vampires who exist simply to suck yours. They suck, alright, and they will for the foreseeable future, so release them to go feast on somebody else. So long, suckers!
Consider, now, those parasites who help themselves to your goodwill but when you need support, aren’t there for you. The boyfriend who gets down on you more than he goes down on you. The mooches who never pick up a check, the deadbeats who swill down your liquor and don’t replace it. Heave those hoes.
Now, take a look at that job of yours. How toxic is that? Are you a respected team member, or a humiliated slave? When the alarm goes off, do you spring out of bed with joy, or dread going to work? A huge percentage of people tolerate a job from hell. Why? Life is too short. Update your resumé, and if you need to, get going acquiring new skills. Grab that shining destiny just waiting for you to claim it.
You’ve purged urgently, and now you’re pro-actively pro-you.
Sit back, relax and enjoy your mojo mojito. You’ve earned it, Goddess.
Yours truly,