We’ve talked about toxic jobs, toxic food, and toxic inactivity and how our makeover from shot to hot requires eliminating those negative influences. Now it’s time to address our thoughts.
Because just as the vision board pictures our reality, thoughts create our lives from moment to moment. It’s up to us to make sure those thoughts stay, positive, positive, positive, so the life we create is positive, positive, positive! Because the premise, “I think, therefore, I am” is not sufficient — we hot ladies need to live the truth, “I think, therefore, I am having hot sex!”
When I was a depressed blimp — my only career prospect a high altitude appearance over stadiums — how often did my thoughts reinforce that derisible state of dirigible? I was filling my head 24/7 with a continuous loop of “my life sucks!,” “I’m so fat!,” “I feel so sad!,” “I’ll never be happy!” and the even more lame,“Poor me!”
Instead of recognizing my own failure to direct a movie I wanted to star in, I was behaving like a powerless, spineless victim. Is it any wonder that I was a candidate for Sumo wrestling, when internally I chanted the mantra, “I’m so fat” over and over again on a continuous negative loop? I was, effectively, trancing myself into being miserable and fat, no different than following a shiny object back and forth and being told so by a hypnotist, except my version was far more efficient: I was reinforcing it day in and day out.
We are used to changing our 3D lives from the outside in — for example, the diet and exercise advice I’ve previously given — however, it’s important to recognize that what manifests on the outside actually initiates on the inside: the outside is but the symptom of an inner imbalance. For years, from metaphysical studies I’d understood on an intellectual level the premise that THOUGHT CREATES REALITY, and sporadically dabbled in remedying mine, but I’d never till now, sought to fix my thoughts in a wholehearted, committed fashion.
The times I had embraced the concept and attempted to change my thoughts, old thought patterns re-emerged: the groove of the negative was simply too strong. But just as I quit smoking by refusing one craving at a time, again and again until the groove of not smoking was more entrenched in my subconscious than the groove of smoking, I would now counter each and every negative thought as it reared its ugly head.
This requires examining your thoughts, dear reader, and maintaining constant vigilance over their quality — are they leading you to the existence you crave, or denying it to you? When you first take on this task, you will be mightily surprised not only at the depth of negativity, but the frequency. But just like everything else we are working here, do not beat yourself up if you don’t succeed 100% at monitoring — this will take time, and practice.
The method is simple: when you catch yourself thinking a venomous, undermining thought, for example, ”I’m so fat!” say out loud or in your head, “Cancel, cancel!” and blow that toxic thought out of your mouth symbolically, inhaling — literally, “inspiring” — it’s opposite: “I’m slim and beautiful.” Yes, you must trick yourself and use your mind to think, believe and picture that ideal you, even if the mirror temporarily contradicts it. Because after a time, with diligence, your physical state will align with the mental.
Speaking of mirrors, post love messages to yourself on them and anywhere in your home. “I love myself!,” “I am beautiful!” and the super-healing, gold standard of affirmations, “I accept myself unconditionally EXACTLY as I am right now!” Because, as I discovered in my past pattern, I’d been resisting for years what I was. Resistance to what is takes a great deal of energy, and that degree of self-hatred at that degree of concentration is a surefire recipe for creating more of the same unwanted circumstances. It worked, literally, like a charm, though a malevolent one! And so does its opposite work as a positive antidote to the toxic venom. It’s hot magic!
When you pass a mirror exclaim, “Hello, beautiful!” and “I love you!” — perhaps you’d even like to write on yours. Using my favorite Chanel Pirate Red lipstick, I’ve written “Hello, Gorgeous!” on the one in my hallway; Barbra Streisand exclaimed those exact words to the Oscar she won for Funny Girl, but clearly she’d been believing / thinking / picturing that moment for years and it was just then manifesting physically.
In Peter Pan, the push-up bra of Broadway musicals, the kids want to fly and Peter instructs them to think lovely thoughts to make it happen. “Summer,” “candy,” and “hopscotch” just don’t cut it, but when one shouts, “Christmas!” they all rise into flight. Lovely, positive thoughts ARE uplifting — use their power to lift your life to its highest expression!
Flight to destination Happiest And Hottest You, now boarding.
Yours truly,