The dictionary defines “feminism” as “the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes.” The verb, “feminism,” is of course defined as the “organized activity on behalf of women’s rights and interests.”
True feminism is equal rights, of course. But beyond that, it should be the celebration of the feminine, and the freedom to be the fabulous woman you are. For me and many women, inherently decorative creatures, our Inner Goddess predisposes us to making our surroundings and ourselves beautiful, for ourselves and others, and yes, that includes men. It has nothing to do with patriarchy or matriarchy — it’s simply accessing and expressing the Divine Feminine within us, outward.
So, I’ve never found the man-hating take on feminism to have any validity, and I won’t be hostage to its tyrannical, unreasonable and unnatural demands. It’s my natural inclination to wear lipstick, and my feminist right to express my femininity. To suppress my very nature, so I become more masculine to conform to some feminist’s idea of political correctness, is neither just, attainable or even desirable, not to me.
I say, vive la différence between us, and our equal opportunity to exuberantly express that fabulous difference! It’s the negative and positive currents that charge the battery, the yin and yang that makes the world go round. And I not only happen to love that, but being part of that play of opposites is in this feminist’s very chromosomes: I don’t know how else to be!
I’m unapologetic; I’ll never feel guilty for being who I am. I’ll also accord the Seventies bra burners and today’s feminazis the right not to participate in my version of femininity. When it’s all good, that’s what real women’s liberation is.
Props to Betty Friedan, who in 1963 famously wrote about the “Feminine Mystique,” post-war society’s banishment of women to housewife/mother roles of Stepford domestic hell. With her pioneering of the second wave of feminism, Betty brought much-needed attention to the plight of millions of women, thus paving the way for true feminists: powerful women who make their own choices.
True feminism IS liberation, the patriarchy and the Feminazi PC police be damned. True feminism is girl power. That means having the freedom to choose to wear makeup, or not. To shave your legs, or not. To grow a jungle under your armpits, or not. To wear stilettos or sneakers. To court the attention of the opposite sex, or not.
A Navy Seal friend of mine once declared his idea of a super-attractive woman would be one in a gorgeous dress, with beautiful hair and makeup, and wearing Nikes. The inherent power in his choice of footwear is key — this evolved male sees an empowered woman as attractive. How hot is that?
But if she chose to wear them, stilettos would be just as empowering.
Angry “feminists,” get real: Let go and let Goddess.
Or not.
Yours truly,