It’s human nature to look for happiness outside ourselves. I’ve certainly done it.
Consider this yourself. How many times have you thought, “I’ll be happy when ….” Fill in the blank. “When I weigh what I did in college.” “When I get a new job.” “When I quit my job from hell.” “When I retire.” “When I have a boyfriend.” “When I have a husband.” “When I get a divorce.” “When I have kids.” “When the kids go off to college.” “When I get a new car.” “When I sell my car from hell.”
Yet, in fact, happiness not only comes from within us, the fabulous news is, happiness is within our control. And far simpler than you might have realized: Happiness is progress towards a goal.
It makes perfect sense: Goals are what keep us moving forward, and keep us positive. Goals focus us on desired outcomes, propelling us effortlessly into the future.
That’s right, the future — province of the young, you thought. But it belongs to all of us, and it’s anybody’s to seize, at any age — just set a personal goal. Or several. This is not only the secret of happiness, but the Fountain of Youth. Go ahead, quaff that!
It’s yours to decide. Time to train for and run a marathon. Write that book you always wanted to write. Take your natural talent for decorating to the professional level. Learn Portuguese — you’ve always wanted to! And ballroom dancing, watch out, there’s a new kid in the 6:00 tango class! For me, it’s to inspire women to access their Inner Goddess and rock their own Life à la Hot!
Just think of what you’ve always wanted to do. Now, make a list — if there’s a big one, let that be it for now. Smaller ones can be handled a few at a time. Whatever you choose, your goal will involve a sacrifice of time, money or energy. There’s no free lunch. But trust me: Dinner will be your just dessert.
The goal mind-set of “I can” will maintain you in an emotional range varying from content to joyous to ecstatic. Because you’re inspired. You’re in control. You’re self-actualizing. You’re happy. You’ve got this.
“Loved passionately, lived passionately” is what will be on my gravestone. But not any time soon. Learning to surf, crossing Russia on the Trans-Siberian Express, and perfecting my Beef Wellington … and on and on and on … beckon me into a delightful, youthful future.
My little engine will never stop saying “I think I can, I think I can.”
Yours truly,