As I’ve told you in my earlier posts, dear readers, I, Mrs. Hot, transformed from shot, to hot — losing a ton of weight, and then having cosmetic surgery to alter my too-large birthday suit, skin fillers to fill in lines and Botox to numb away the railroad tracks between my eyebrows.
Now my challenge is to maintain the weight loss — the most difficult part for most, considering 95% of dieters gain back the weight, then add even more. I had yo-yoed myself several times in the past. Now, however, I know I’ll keep it off forever, because I’ve finally made my peace with making not just a temporary fix, but forever lifestyle changes.
Maintaining the “Attractiveness” component in our goddess vehicle powered by GAS –Glamour, Attractiveness and Sexiness — requires vigilance. I weigh myself everyday, and write the number down in my calendar — that way, good or bad, I force myself to own it. Should that number rise three pounds, well, that’s my red flag to get back on mainly protein, that day: I have zero tolerance now for spiraling out of control and out of my favorite hot dresses.
When faced with every food decision, every day, it’s important to ask the essential question: Is this worth wearing? Because how many muffins, in fact, are worth sporting as muffin tops? Sure, you might be able to balance it by starving yourself the rest of the day (UNhealthy, plus wrecks your metabolism) or burning it off in the most sadistic bootcamp on your gym’s class schedule. But I find that I make better choices if I assume I’m going to wear it, which has, in fact, been the usual outcome. I mean, I may as well just rub French fries on my inner thighs!
But I was a Girl Scout and as such, follow the motto “Be Prepared.” So I never leave home without my antioxidant, anti-aging armament: a baggie of organic raw pecans, almonds, walnuts (three nuts highest in antioxidants); another with cut-up veggies in bright colors; and a couple part-skim mozzarella cheese sticks. A big organic apple is also always in my bag; carby, yes, but the lesser, low-glycemic kind that’s chock-full of nutrients, plus the fiber fills me up. Whenever hunger strikes, but especially in the late afternoon, these nutritious weapons zap the low blood sugar that used to send me to the candy aisle for a — that’s right, you guessed it — Chunkie (irony seems to be just plain inescapable in my life) … or several.
Eating well is the best revenge — you’ll see when you go to your high school reunion.
Yours truly,