(Mrs.Hot is writing a book! The latest inspiration, empowerment and entertainment returns soon.)
Humans are visual creatures — we experience the world through our eyes, and we make our first immediate judgments about people based on how they present themselves. Whether they’re happy, sad, rich, poor, cool, nerdy, attractive, unattractive, love themselves, or hate themselves.
As we’re creating our fabulous Life à la Hot, then, it makes sense to examine what it is exactly that defines a woman who’s packing heat 24/7. Besides the self-love which powers attitude, confidence and beauty from the inside outward, presentation is, indeed, everything. The three pillars of a smokin’ hot presentation are Glamour, Attractiveness, and Sexiness. With that GAS in our tank, we’ll be enjoying a hot rod in no time, and infinite miles of males on our vehicle.
A primo presentation involves, first of all, a balanced, attractive body, so there’s food and exercise to consider. If cosmetic surgery is desirable and affordable, then bring it on to enhance our body and face, along with the cosmetic fillers and wrinkle zappers that have nothing short of revolutionized our allure in recent years. Hygiene is core, of course, while makeup, hair, and fragrance are standard tools in the Goddess’s toolkit.
Now that the foundation has been laid, the next step to getting laid is dressing that fabulous, perfumed frame. First, we lay on a layer of sexy lingerie, then over it, an outfit which telegraphs chic or cool — depending on our mood and where we’re going — always with a soupçon, or even bigger serving, of sexy, as well as youth a.k.a. vitality. Hot shoes, jewelry and accessories are critical to finish off the look.
You know, dear reader, how you cringe when you blurt out something your mother would say? Well, let this be the hard and fast rule for how you present yourself: if your mother wore it or looked it — when fifty was more like eighty — it’s a good idea for you not to.
May the closest we get to dowager be watching reruns of Maggie Smith in Downton Abbey.
Yours truly,